Monday, March 26, 2007

Challenging times.....

Well the last 2-3 weeks have been a challenge. I got over my flu, but have since had an ear infection, an abscess in my ear, a burst ear drum and no hearing in that ear. The pain has been intense, not to mention the dizziness and nausea and I have found it hard enough to just get through the day let alone be able to study or spend time with God. But it has been a period when I have had to press into God more than usual, so you understand why I think it's been challenging........

The great news is that God has answered many prayers concerning my dear friend Helen - a buyer was found for her house, she found a house to buy straight away, the children loved it, her offer was accepted along with a long snagging list of things Helen wants the current owner to put can only be God at work. I have also been challenged by God about where I shall serve him in the future...........some of it's scary, some of it seems completely out of my reach, and some of it is what's been on my heart for a while but still out of my comfort zone, but the one thing I am sure about is that I know and trust God to lead me on the right path for me and my family.

I have been reading a book by Joyce Meyer called 'Do It Afraid' is fantastic and really makes you look at things differently. One of the great things she has said is that it's not wrong to be afraid, but it is wrong to give in to the fear and run away from the path God has set out for us..........I've read it, agreed with it and now I have to put it into action.........I don't want to jump in and tell you all what I have been challenged about, as I know I have to spend a lot more time with God making sure I have heard right and I also have to share with my family and see how they feel about things too.

So I welcome the next few weeks and whatever they may bring...........however scary that may make me feel.

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